Salmon farming In The North: How Do We Regulate Growth?
COMMUNITY, BLUE BIOECONOMYVilborg Einarsdottiriceice, reindeer, seal-tourism, polarstudies, apology, end, kings, aquabear, kayak
Puffin Hunting In Iceland Gives A Unique Insight Into Climate Effects
SCIENCE, COMMUNITY, CLIMATE CHANGEVilborg Einarsdottiriceice, reindeer, seal-tourism, polarstudies, apology, end, kings, aquabear, kayak, rockslides, climate change, RiverFjord
Including That Indigenous Sixth Sense In Arctic Work
INDIGENOUSAuður Elísabet Jóhannsdóttiriceice, seal-tourism, new-arctic-treaty, Indigenous-stories, reindeer, jellyfish, Opinion Biden-Harris, Biden-Harris, why, polarstudies, arcticness, apology, greeting, nenet, trust, dogsled, kings, aquabear, kayak
Rockslides In The Arctic: Why Do We Care?
SCIENCE, COMMUNITY, CLIMATE CHANGEVilborg Einarsdottiriceice, reindeer, seal-tourism, polarstudies, apology, end, kings, aquabear, kayak
Rubber From Car Tyres - Even Recycled - Poses A Toxic Threat To Our Oceans
SCIENCE, COMMUNITYVilborg Einarsdottiriceice, reindeer, seal-tourism, polarstudies, apology, end, kings, aquabear, kayak
Polar Bear - Or Is It Aqua Bear?
Algal bioplastics are the future - here is why
BLUE BIOECONOMY, COMMUNITY, CLIMATE CHANGEAuður Elísabet JóhannsdóttirSEAWD, simpletruth, obo, confronting-plastic, reindeer, why, polarstudies, kings
Why Our Glaciers Are Melting - The Simple Truth
SCIENCEAuður Elísabet Jóhannsdóttiriceice, reindeer, illulpart1, seal-tourism, Opinion Biden-Harris, Biden-Harris, why, end, aquabear, kayak
Climate Change, Species Extinction And Wellbeing
Warmer Winters Are Making The Arctic Greener - With One Exception
Northern Barents Sea Shifting from Arctic to Atlantic Climate
SCIENCE, CLIMATE CHANGEAuður Elísabet Jóhannsdóttirjellyfish, simpletruth, glaciersmelting, reindeer, obo, Unlike-Antarctica, Opinion Biden-Harris, why, polarstudies, end, kings, kayak
We'd Better Listen To What The Polar Regions Tell Us
SCIENCE, CLIMATE CHANGEAuður Elísabet JóhannsdóttirRiverFjord, jellyfish, glaciersmelting, reindeer, obo, new-arctic-treaty, Unlike-Antarctica, why, polarstudies, end, kings, aquabear
Building networks to safeguard Arctic biodiversity
What is Sustainable Harvest When the Climate is Changing?
The Blue Mussels Around Svalbard Have Come A Long Way
Fat Matters When Sea Ice Melts: Polar Bears, Pollutants and Sea Ice Decline
SCIENCE, CLIMATE CHANGEJustin Levesquepolar bears, pollutants, climate change, ice, sci1, RiverFjord, barentssea, confronting-plastic, Unlike-Antarctica, reindeer, glaciersmelting, polarstudies, end, kings, aquabear