About — JONAA, Journal of the North Atlantic & Arctic

A media platform of high north affairs, information and local knowledge – created for regional and global stakeholders in the North Atlantic and Arctic region.


The Mission


To share information across North Atlantic and Arctic Borders in quality journalism and outstanding photography.

To bring this region of changing environment and geopolitical importance, closer to the rest of the world and provide details and insight to strengthen global understanding and knowledge.

To be a platform of transparency, accuracy and trust for different North Atlantic and Arctic stakeholders.

To provide insight into ways of living, structure of societies, culture, background, challenge, infrastructure, current affairs, investment opportunities and future prospects.

To create a deeper understanding of what is important to people of the High North and why.

To create tools that strengthen regional and global cooperation towards a future of sustainable development for North Atlantic and Arctic economy, environment, business, culture and communities.

To encourage cross-border regional connections and cooperation in business, science, academia and culture in the face of Climate change, and portray how these platforms also need to interconnect.

JONAA’s front is the media platform, the Journal of the North Atlantic & Arctic, but JONAA also engages in documentary film production, book publication, cultural projects, youth projects and organizes events and speakers. All these activities connect to High North and Arctic affairs in some way and originate in the same vision as other JONAA work.

This is the mission of the JONAA team.


The Editorial Team


The Advisory Board